Spotlight on Brightpoint
Brightpoint Head Start and Early Head Start in Fort Wayne, Indiana expanded their services and impact with Shine Early Learning.

About Brightpoint
Brightpoint’s mission is to help communities, families, and individuals in Northern Indiana remove the causes and conditions of poverty. To achieve that mission, they focus on community investment, family self-sufficiency, family stability, and services for children and youth. Brightpoint Head Start and Early Head Start serve children in Allen, DeKalb, Noble, and Whitley counties in Indiana.
Brighpoint was awarded the National Head Start Association’s Program of Excellence Accreditation in 2023. The Program of Excellence recognizes and supports the outstanding performance of Head Start grant recipients nationwide who demonstrate excellence in program management and service and support robust positive outcomes for children birth-to-five, families, and the communities where they live.

How long has your organization worked with Shine?
We have had a formal agreement with Shine since May of 2016. ~ Mary Lee Freeze, VP of Early Education Services for Brightpoint
What has your experience been like working with Shine Early Learning?
Over time we have had an excellent working relationship with Shine. We began attending sessions at conferences. We attended several sessions before we decided to partner with Shine. We visited the Acelero Learning site in Las Vegas as one way to know Shine better. We appreciate the knowledge and connection that Shine brings to academia and working to be on the cutting edge of early childhood services. ~ Mary Lee Freeze, VP of Early Education Services for Brightpoint
Describe applying for a grant with Shine’s support.
Through the process of we felt so supported. We knew what they wanted. We knew how to get it to them. We knew how to help. We were really excited. ~ Lisa Kipker, Brightpoint Program Operations Manager
Describe the impact of your organization on the children and families it serves.
Brightpoint Head Start/EHS has been able to step up our processes, create a usable and measurable Strategic Plan, and be aware of current early childhood focuses and trends through our partnership with Shine. Shine makes the world a better place by allowing us to think about what it takes to be a quality early childhood education program. Everything starts with kids. They’re our future. ~ Mary Lee Freeze, VP of Early Education Services for Brightpoint
How has Shine been instrumental to your success as an organization?
Shine leaders hooked us with acknowledging that our program had something to bring to the table, too. ~ Mary Lee Freeze, VP of Early Education Services for Brightpoint
What words would you use to describe Shine Early Learning?
Responsive, Knowledgeable, Innovative, Connected, Progressive
How are Shine and its partners making an impact in Early Childhood Education?
They have those connections. They’re out there, and they’re getting the word out about how important early childhood is. We’re not just a small voice anymore. We’re becoming a nationwide large voice. ~ Lisa Kipker, Brightpoint Program Operations Manager
How has Shine Early Learning been a valued partner in making a difference in your community?
Shine’s been a valued partner in more ways than one because we’re from Indiana. Spark Indiana is bringing the whole state to a new level. Our childcare providers are empowering themselves now rather than just being dragged along. ~ Lisa Kipker, Brightpoint Program Operations Manager