Spotlight on PACT
Parents and Children Together (PACT) has worked with Shine to build the leadership skills of its team and provide higher-quality services to the families it serves in Hawaii.

About PACT
Serving Oahu & Hawaii Island, Parents And Children Together (PACT) has provided Hawaii’s most vulnerable residents with desperately needed social services since 1968. They provide Early Head Start and Head Start Services on Oahu and Hawaii Island.
How long has PACT worked with Shine?
We have worked with Shine since 2015, beginning with assistance in applying for Early Head Start Childcare Partnership and supporting our HS/EHS operations. ~ Ben Naki, PACT Executive Vice President of Early Childhood Education Programs and Early Head Start/Head Start Program Director
What words would you use to describe Shine?
Innovative, Partners, Risk-Takers, Connectors, High-Quality, Exemplars, Exceptional
How has Shine helped PACT fulfill its mission?
Shine is always working with us to hone our leadership skills so that we can turn around and hone the leadership skills of our team. All the things we are hearing are getting poured into our clients. Shine is helping us fulfill our mission as we continue to support, refine, and reach high quality and maintain that status. It’s all relationship-based. ~ Keala Rowland, PACT Early Head Start/Head Start Assistant Director
What has your experience working with Shine Early Learning been like?
Shine respects our culture and walks side-by-side with us. Shine is not going to take away our identity. That is a big deal to us. We are still PACT working with Shine. We can still be who we are and support the families in Hawaii. The Shine team helped us be a better program the way we are right now rather than tell us how it is done in other places. They really respect the people, the culture, and what we bring to Head Start and Early Head Start for young children in Hawaii. I cannot underscore that enough. That has been phenomenal. ~ Silvia Sharrar, PACT Early Head Start/Head Start Assistant Director
What impact has Shine Early Learning had on PACT?
Shine has impacted PACT through the sharing of data, not just within the program, with staff, also with families. Shine has changed how we share the information, what kind of conversations we have. Making staff feel comfortable around those conversations, linking the family engagement to school readiness, building that relationship between the family engagement team and the education teams in the classroom has been part of Shine’s impact. Shine is innovative. They always seem to be ahead of the game ~ Ben Naki, PACT Executive Vice President of Early Childhood Education Programs and Early Head Start/Head Start Program Director
How has accessibility to data helped your organization?
Accessibility to data has really transformed our ability to use family engagement data. It was impossible for us to look at the data as closely, as minutely without Shine, which has helped us transform our family engagement. ~ Kehau Golis, PACT Early Head Start/Head Start Assistant Director
How have families been impacted by Shine Early Learning?
UPR is an unconditional positive regard to wherever the families are. Everyone deserves and is going to get unconditional positive regard. Unconditional positive regard training and our agency’s poverty simulation really opened up the staff’s eyes. We were able to use unconditional positive regard with families wherever they are. ~ Michelle Zapata, PACT Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Program Manager
How have your staff been impacted by Shine Early Learning?
Our agency has really run with unconditional positive regard. It spoke to the culture of our agency. We use it not just with our families, but also with the staff. Every person who comes into our agency gets training on unconditional positive regard. ~ Ben Naki, PACT Executive Vice President of Early Childhood Education Programs and Early Head Start/Head Start Program Director