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Classroom & Home Learning Curriculum

Parent and preschool child

Ready to Shine

Our classroom curriculum Ready to Shine supports and builds on young children’s natural curiosity and playfulness for children preschool age. Our signature curriculum supports include:

  • Full week-by-week lesson guides, including alignment with school readiness goals and assessment objectives
  • In-class activities
  • Unit maps
  • Parent templates related to curriculum themes to keep families fully informed of their child’s classroom experience
  • Robust curriculum guides and supporting materials
  • Curriculum collaboration meeting tools

Ready to Shine, developed by Acelero Learning under the leadership of national ECE expert Ellen Frede, is implemented by Shine Early Learning partners across the country. The curriculum builds upon young children’s natural curiosity and playfulness to scaffold development and support children’s acquisition of core school readiness skills included in the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, as well as state early learning and development standards.  

PEER card

Shine on Families

Shine on Families is our research-based home learning curriculum, designed to strengthen the partnership between educators and families, extending classroom learning into the home. Our home learning curriculum includes daily activities in the form of PEER cards, which are easy to implement and integrate into daily family routines.

Developed in collaboration with Phil Zelazo, one of the nation’s leading researchers on the development of executive function in young children, and aligned with classroom school readiness standards, Shine on Families’ PEER home learning activity cards, are designed to enhance parent/child interactions shown in the research to promote executive function and school readiness.


Acelero, Inc. workshop

Continuously Innovating & Reimagining

We are innovating and reimagining our curricular approach and are currently collaborating with, teachers, coaches, and families across our national network to co-create redesigned Ready to Shine and Shine on Families. Our reimagined curriculum will integrate research-based and anti-bias instructional strategies that promote inclusive learning environments for our birth-to-five learners. Reimagined Ready to Shine will allow for a joyful learning experience, where children feel they are valued and fully belong.